
时间:2024-06-26 14:51:38


Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. has been a company in transition, from its monthslong dealings with Yahoo Inc. to the delisting of its once Hong Kong-traded Alibaba.com unit.

阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.)是一个变化层出不穷的公司。从该公司与雅虎(Yahoo Inc.)之间持续了数月之久的纷争,到旗下曾在香港上市的子公司阿里巴巴网络有限公司(Alibaba.com)的退市,阿里巴巴集团一直在变。

According to local media reports late last month, Alibaba is shifting yet again, this time to create seven major business groups. Meanwhile, other media reports said Alibaba was seeking billions in U.S. dollars of financing for a buyback of its shares from Yahoo, keeping Jack Ma in the headlines and making him top corporate newsmaker this month, according to data compiled by Dow Jones Insight and edited by The Wall Street Journal.

据上月底中国媒体的报道,阿里巴巴集团再生变化,这次是要创建七个主要业务集团。与此同时,其他媒体报道说,阿里巴巴集团正在争取获得数十亿美元的资金,为从雅虎回购股权埋单。据由Dow Jones Insight编制、《华尔街日报》编辑过的数据显示,这些使该公司创始人马云频频受到媒体关注,成为本月被媒体报道次数最多的.商界人物。

Want Want China Holdings Ltd. Chairman Tsai Eng-meng, No. 2 on the list, finally realized his goal of buying a majority stake in China Network Systems-provided, Taiwan regulators said, that he come up with a plan to make sure the broadcaster remains independent.

中国旺旺控股有限公司(Want Want China Holdings Ltd.,简称:中国旺旺)董事长蔡衍明在中国商界风云榜上排名第二。他终于实现了收购中嘉网路股份有限公司(China Network Systems)多数股权的目标。据台湾监管机构说,前提是他能够提出一项确保这家广播电视公司独立性的计划。

Baidu Inc. Chief Executive Robin Li earned the No. 3 spot through earnings, in which his company saw second-quarter profit grow 70% from a year earlier.

