
时间:2024-02-14 06:27:44



Step I Revisin

T: Gd rning/ afternn, bs and girls! First let’s have a dictatin abut the wrds and phrases in Unit 4. Tae ut a piece f paper, please.

ar, lcal, represent, Clubia, intrduce, apprach, tuch, strange, express, be liel t, general, avid spen, isunderstand, punish, at ease

T: Nw, hand in ur paper please; I’ll chec ur wr after class.

Step II Waring up

T: Let’s l at the pictures n P33. Tr t atch the naes f the pars with the pictures. Can u guess which are pars and which are thee pars?

T: Which ne f these pars wuld u lie t visit st if u have the chance?

Sa: Of curse I wuld g t Disneland. I have watched s uch abut it n TV and I’ve been dreaing abut shaing hands with thse lvel cartn characters and taing pictures with the.

Sb: I wuld lie t g t Waterpar, because I lie swiing and I lie t tae part in the activities in water in this par.

Step III Reading


T: It’s interesting t listen t ur ideas. Tda we are ging t stud a passage abut thee pars. The title is THEME PARS—FUN AND MORE THAN FUN. I wuld lie u t read the passage quicl fr the first tie t get a general idea f the passage. At the sae tie, please find ut the tpic sentence f each paragraph.

(3 inutes later)

T: Have u gt the ain idea f the passage? Wh can tell e the tpic sentences f six paragraphs?

Tpic sentences

Paragraph 1. Different inds f thee pars.

Paragraph 2. Disneland.

Paragraph 3. Dllwd

Paragraph 4. England’s Caelt Par


T: After the first reading, we have all gt a general idea f the passage. S I wuld lie u t read it carefull again and tr t find the answers t these detailed questins.

Teacher shws the questins n the screen.

1.What is the purpse f Dllwd? What ind f peple d u thin will visits this thee par?

2. What d u nw abut ancient English stries? What ther activities d u iagine there are at Caelt Par?

3. Disneland is a place t have fun. What will u d if u have a chance t visit Disneland ?

4. If u have a chance t visit ne f these three pars, which will u visit ? Wh?

suggested answers

1. The purpse f Dll wd is t shw and celebrate Aerica’s traditinal sutheastern culture. Prbabl a lt f Aericans will visit this thee par.

2-4 students will give their wn answers.

Step V Discussin

T: If u have enugh tie and ne, wuld u lie t g traveling t see the natural beaut f the cuntr r g the thee pars t en the exciting experiences? Give reasns fr ur chice.

a) Teacher divides the class int grups f fur. Each grup tries t reach an agreeent and t cllect as an reasns as pssible fr the grup ebers.

b) After the discussin, the teacher ass a student fr each f the grups t reprt the decisin f their grup and t give their reasns fr the decisin.

Step VI Hewr

Reeber all the new wrds and phrases in the reading passage.

Write a suar f the reading passage using the new wrds.

The secnd perid Listening

Teaching gals

1.Target language

clth, Marine Land thee par, dlphins, plar bears, d trics, a rller caster, dugut

2.Abilit gals

Enable the students t aster the sill f listening fr infratin.

3.Learning abilit gals

Help the students learn hw t get the sills f listening.

Teaching iprtant pints

Listen t the three aterials abut custs, Sea Wrld and building a dugut bat and answer the questins crrectl.

Teaching difficult pints

Listen and get the needed infratin t cplete the exercises.

Teaching ethds

Listening and cperative learning.

Teaching aids I

A recrder, a cassette tape and a cputer.

Teaching prcedures ≈ was

Step I Revisin

Chec the students' hewr.

Step II Listening (Page37 and 38)

Students are ased t read questins t find ut the requireents first, and then listen t the tape three ties t cplete the atching exercises and answer the eight questins.

T: Please pen ur bs and turn t Page37. Befre u listen t the tape, read the requireents and eep the in ind. Pa attentin t the iprtant infratin while listening and u'd better tae se ntes f it.

T: Different cuntries have different cultures. Different na?tinal grups have different custs t. In Part 1, we are ging t hear abut the custs f se natinal grups. Nw let's listen t the recrding and tr t atch each grup t an exaple f its custs.

Students listen t the recrding fr the first tie.

T: Have u gt the answers? Let' s chec.

Chec the answers tgether.

T: Let's listen t the tape again and answer the questins in

Part 2. u a listen t it twice. Students listen t the recrding fr anther tw ties. Chec the answers t the questins b asing se stu?dents t answer the.

Step III Listening (Page69)

T: Let's ce t the Listening n Page 69. Here we are ging t listen t David Evens and i ang wh are visiting the Sea Wrld.

T: Have u ever been t Sea Wrld?

Ss: es.

T: What can u d in Sea Wrld?

Ss: We can feed the dlphins.

We can pla with the plar bears.

We can watch sea anials d perfrances.

We can g diving t see fish.

We can see learn abut the different inds f fish and seaweed.

We can g surfing n the sea.

T: Gd. Let' s listen t the recrding abut the Sea Wrld in Australia. After listening, tic the ite in the list f what peple can d in this par. Are u read? Let's g. Students listen t the recrding fr the first tie and finish the exercise.

T: Have u gt the answers? Let's chec. Teacher checs the answers with the whle class.

T: Let' s listen t the tape again and tr t answer the questins in Part 3. Please read the questins first.

T: O. Let's eep these three questins in ind and tr t find the answers while listening. Are u read? Let's g! Pla the tape again, and then chec the answers t the questins b asing se students t answer the.

Step IV Listening Tas (Page73)

T: Let's turn t Page 73 and g n t d the Listening Tas here. Fr this tas, we are ging t learn hw t build a dugut bat and hw t ae a huse f pal leaves. Are u interested in aing things b urselves?

Ss: es.

T: Great! u will be able t d it after ding the listening.

T: Let's find ut hw t build a dugut bat first. While listening, u need t pa attentin t the aterials u need, the steps, the ethd f aing a persn sit in it, and the ethd f aing the bat easil g thrugh the sea. Are u clear abut what t d nw? Let' s listen.

Students listen t the recrding fr tw r three ties and fill in the table in Part 1.

T: Have u gt all this infratin? Let' s chec.

Teacher checs the answers b asing se students t read ut their answers.

T: Nw, we ce t the building f a huse f pal leaves. While listening, we need t pa attentin t the ethd f ining the pal leaves, the nuber f areas fr sides, hw t in the sides f the huse tgether, the nuber f areas fr the rf, and hw t in the rf t walls. With this five questins in ind, let's begin listening.

Students listen t the recrding fr tw r three ties and cplete the chart in Part 2.

T: Have u gt the infratin t cplete the secnd clun f the chart? Let' s chec the answers tgether.

Teachers checs the answers with the whle class.

Step V Hewr

D the listening again after class.

Preview Reading and speaing, Reading tas.

The third perid Graar


1. 合成名词

(1) n+n

air cnditiner 空调

bld pressure 血压

ince tax 所得税

credit card 信用卡

(2) ad + n

central ban 中央银行

fast fd 快餐

slar sste 太阳系

rete cntrl 遥控

(3) v-ing +另一词

washing achine 洗衣机

driving license 驾驶执照

(4) 其他方式

b-prduct 副产品

editr-in-chief 主编

2. 合成形容词

(1) 过去分词或带ed词尾的.词构成。

absent-inded 心不在焉的

gre-haired 头发灰白的

(2) 动词的ing 或另一词构成

lng-suffering 长期受苦的

far-reaching 深远的(影响)

3. 合成动词及合成副词

water-si 滑冰

vereat 吃得太多

bab-sit 看孩子

ept-handed 一无所获的

Derivatin: add letters t the beginning r the end f a wrd.

1) 前缀:

(1) dis-: disagree, dislie, disappear

(2) in-(il-, i-, ir-): incrrect, ipssible, irregular,

(3) un-: unhapp, unable, unfit,

(4) nn-: nnstp, nnverbal (非语言的)

(5) re-: rewrite, review

2) 后缀:

(1) 构成名词:-er, -ese, -ist, -ian, -ent, -tin, -ness, -th.

buer, Chinese, scialist, usician agreeent, cllectin, illness, truth

(2) 构成形容词: -al, -an, -ful, -ing, -, -less

natinal, Aerican, careful,

exciting, clud, useless

(3) 构成动词: -f, -is (z)e:

beautif, realize

(4) 构成副词: -l:


(5) 构成数词: -teen, -t, -th

thirteen, sixt, twelfth

Cnversin: change the part f speech f a wrd.

