初中英语《Meet Ms Liu》优秀教案

时间:2024-02-12 08:33:36
初中英语《Meet Ms Liu》优秀教案

初中英语《Meet Ms Liu》优秀教案


1.Who will Li Ming introduce?


2.How long has she been an English teacher?


3.What does Mrs Liu hate to do?


4.Does Mrs Liu have a daughter?


5.Is she a very good singer?



1.be ready to _____________

2.have been a/an...for..._________

3.play the piano__________________





8 .在伦敦__________________________


1.Does Uncle Wang ________English well?

2.He often ______ us English stories.

3.Look! They_____ about the film.

4.What did he_______?

5.“Don’t be nervous.”________ the teacher.

[ 课堂练习高效提升]

Ill weeds grow apace.莠草长的`快。


1.Li Ming has f______ his chart.

2.Why is Li Ming a little n______?

3.She has many i_______ .

4.She has b______ an English teacher for seven years.

5.She lives here with her h_____ and daughter.


1.Mr Wang has lived here ________ three years.

A. in B. for C. on D. during

2.How many times _______ he ______ to London?

A. has; been B. has; gone C. have; gone D. have; been


A. Not be B. don’t be C. Don’t be D. Don’t

4.______to school is good for our health.

A. Walk B. To walk C. Walking D. Walks

5.I don’t hear the song clearly. Please turn______ the radio.

A. on B. out C. up D. to

6.A lot of sugar ________ on the table.

A. is B. are C. be D. /

7.Don’t forget _______ the work on time.

A. finishing B. to finish C. finishes D. finish

8.She is playing ________ in the classroom.

A. piano B. the piano C. a piano D. an piano


_Yes, I’d like a supper with chicken sandwich.

A. what’s wrong B. Can I help you C. What do you like

D. How do you think of

10.I want _______ to eat.

A. something nice B. nice something C. anything nice

D. nice anyth ing


1.They______(live) here for ten years.

2.Ther e are _________(piano) in this school.

3.There are fifteen _______ (woman) in our school.

4.Please take some _______ (photo)of me.

5.How long ______ he ______ (be) a teacher ?


1.My father has been a worker for 15 years.(就画线部分提问)

_______ _______ has your father been a teacher?

2.We bought some mushrooms in that shop.(改为否定句)

We_____ _____ ______ mushrooms in that shop.

3.He has lived in Beijing for two years.(改为否定句)

He _______ _______ in Beijing for two years.

4 .I wanted to drink milk because I was very thirsty.(就画线部分提问)

_______ _______ you want to drink milk?

5.He has to go home now.(改为一般疑问句)

_____ he _____ to go home now?

6.He needs three bananas when he makes a fruit salad.(就画线部分提问)

_____ ______ ______ does he ______ when he makes a fruit salad?


The better day the better deed. 日子越好事情越吉利.


A: Good morning. 1 are you from?

B: I’m from America.

A: Do you work in a middle school?

B: 2 , I do. I 3 English.

A: Can you 4 Chinese?

B: Yes, a little. I go to Chinese classes every week.

A: 5 6 have you been in Beijing?

B: For three years.

A: Do you 7 any children?

B: Yes, I have a son and a daughter.[来源:Zxxk.Com]

A: Are they here 8 you?

B: Yes, they are.

1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______ 6._______ 7.______ 8.______


1.He finished do his homework at last.


2.His family has lived here for five years.


3.She play piano very well.


4.she lives here and her husband.


5.I felt a bit of nervous.


十、你想快而准的找到你想看的电 视节目吗?请仔细阅读下列表格并回答问题。


Channel 1 Channel 2

18:00 Around China

18:30 Children’s Programme

19:00 News

19:30 Weather Report

19:40 Around the World

20:00 TV play: Sisters

21:00 English for Today

21:15 Popular Music

21:55 Talk Show 17:45 Computers Today

18:10 Foreign Arts

18:30 English Classroom

19:00 Animals World

19:25 Children’s Programme

20:20 Sports

21:00 TV play: Guo Lanying

21:45 English News

22:05 On TV Next Week

1.If you want to watch a football match, what would be the best programme for you?

A. TV play. B. Sports C. Ta lk Show.

2.What programme will let you know much about wes tern countries?

A. Sisters B. Around China. C. Around the World

3.If you want to know something about tigers, elephants and monkeys, what’s the best programme for you?

4.If you want to know what is the weather like, what time and which channel should you watch?

A. 19:30 channel 1.

B. 7:30 channel 2.

C. 17:45 channel 2.

5.W hat does the programme at the end of channel 2mean?

A. News.

B. People.

C. programmes will be on next week.

Keys: 一、1His English tescher, 2. For seven years. 3. Walking to school in January. 4.Yes,she does. 5.Yes,she is

二、1.准备好做..... 2。成为....有(一段时间) 3。弹钢琴 4。把.....介绍给...... 5。in January 6.a little nervous 7.talk to / with sb. 8. in London

三、 1.spesk 2.tells 3. are talking 4. say 5.said

四、1.B 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.C 6.A 7. B 8.B 9.B 10.A

六、1.has lived 2.pianos 3. women 4. photos 5.has,been

七、1. how long 2. didn’t buy any 3.hasn’t lived 4.Why did 5. Does,have 6.How many bananas,need

八、1. where 2.Yes 3. teach 4. spesk 5. How 6. long 7.have 8.with

九、1.do 改为doing “finsh+n/v-ing”是固定用法。has改为have family 指家庭成员时,动词用复数形式。 3。在piano 前加the “play the+乐器”是固定用法。4.and改为with and 连接的前后两部分必须是统一的。5. 去掉of a bit+adj.adv,a bit of+不可数名词。

十、1.B 足球比赛属于运动项目。 2.C Around the World 环球,讲解全世界的事情。3. B Animals World 动物世界。4. A 因为1频道19:30有天气预报节目。 5.C 2频道最后一个节目是下 周节目预告

《初中英语《Meet Ms Liu》优秀教案.doc》
